Tuesday, November 5, 2019

General Felix Prince Salm-Salm

General Felix Prince Salm-Salm was a foreign prince who loved to fight in wars. After fighting in his own country, he offered his services to other countries. He fought in the U.S. Civil War. Toward the end of the war, he was put in charge of securing the railroads in North Georgia, Alabama, and other places. He was mentioned in a pension, and in tracking down references, he became part of my research. His involvement in my story is brief--just a mention.

In the pension, I think his name was given as General Prince Samsams (and the handwriting even made the spelling of the surname questionable--I tried searching Samson, Samsons, etc.). Outside of the pension, I think my first clue to his identity was a mention in the appendix section of History of The Rebellion in Bradley County, East Tennessee. (I'll get that page later).

Internet lookups would have been easier if I had had the proper spelling of his name, but I finally found him (Salm-Salm) and found some brief biographical sketches on him. Eventually I found quite a few references, but apparently never put them on this blog. So... just for the moment, here is one reference from Official Records.

January 1865
Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 45, Part 2 (Correspondence, etc.), page 601
Correspondence from Col. Felix Prince Salm to Maj. S. B. Moe
(Elsewhere indexed as serial 094).

Later in his life, he fought for at least one other country. Will add more to this post.

Official Records - Index or Chapter Locator

The eHistory section of the Department of History of Ohio State University provides HTML versions of the text in Official Records. Some segments are missing, according to that site, but there are quite a few records online. The recordss here are listed by Series, Volume, Part, Serial no., and Campaign.

Department of History, Ohio State University
War of the Rebellion: Index

A Portal to Texas History (site) provides full text of many volumes of the Official Records.
They have a searchbar, but it leads to many, many databases or source books.
A Portal to Texas History

I have indexed a few of the volumes and have them listed by volume as individual post titles (see blog sidebar).